Day 130, 01/01/2023 Minus degrees

I woke up in my bed in my hotel room in Konya after a very short night. I felt tired and foggy from the New Years celebrations. Frazer, Marcel and me packed our belongings following breakfast. The plan was to cycle together to Tuz Gölü and after to Cappadocia. I was in two minds about teaming up with the boys, on one hand being so close to Kayseri and with that to meeting my father, I am feeling the need to be alone, alone with my thoughts and to prepare myself, for what is coming towards me, on the other hand however, the temperatures in this region drop down to -6 degree at Night. I am uncertain if my sleeping arrangement, is suitable for these temperatures. Hence I decided that it is more sensible to start cycling in company and test my camping set up in minus degrees.

We started cycling quite late around midday. Before leaving Konya, we stopped at the supermarket to stock up on groceries for lunch and dinner. Then we cycled through the industrial outskirts of Konya until we reached the highway. The route led us all day long on the flat highway, the landscape was nondescript and monotonous. After three hours of cycling we stopped at a petrol station to have lunch: wraps, cig köfte and vegetables. Turkish tea to conclude the meal. Back on the bike, we cycled for another hour, before starting to look for a campsite, as we were aware that the temperature will drop rapidly after sunset. We were lucky to find an abandoned petrol station, with some open shelters next to it. It was only around 4:30pm when we stopped cycling. Travelling in company was very different, compared to travelling on my own. It felt like the boys were kinder to themselves, they put more effort in creating and experience, they liked to cook more complicated dinners, while I just kept it simple, when I was by myself and didn’t care as much. After we stopped cycling everybody had some me-time. I used the time for some yoga. It was unusual for me to stop cycling that early in the day and with that have time to stretch.

After setting up our tents. We cooked dinner together, a Maroccan style dish with bulgur. Afterwards we had tea and retreated to our tents. -5degree were predicted for the night and we were curious to put our sleeping arrangements to the test. Lying in my two sleeping bags and micro fleece liner, my feet, that were covered in three pairs of thick socks, were numb. Luckily while journaling my feet eventually warmed up. With an emergency blanket and heat packs lying next to me, I went to sleep.

So long – hoscakal from close to Sarnic!

4 responses to “Day 130, 01/01/2023 Minus degrees”

  1. Brrrrrrr at night , but brrrrrilliant sunset. Thanks for so many wonderful pics. cheers

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Vera! Yes so cold!


  2. That’s COLD!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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