Day 138, 09/01/2023 A day to remember

I woke up in my dorm in the hostel in Göreme. I was confused when I woke up, it was already close to 9am, normally I naturally wake up with sunrise. The darkness of the cave hostel must have confused my body clock. After breakfast and many cups of cay, I went back to the dorm, to pack my belongings. My father had informed me, that he was back from Mersin, back in Kayseri and I was certain: I want to cycle to Kayseri today! Soon it was time to say my farewells to my dear travel companions, Marcel and Frazer. After one last cup of cay together, it was time to part ways.

On the road again, alone again. I often feel like a lone wolf on this journey – loving the loneliness, and sometimes dreading the loneliness, not belonging anywhere, not belonging to anyone. Your travelling alone – alone by bike? Yes I am.

Cycling through the streets of Göreme I said my goodbyes and showed my gratitude towards Cappadocia, with all its unique and mesmerising rock formations. Then it was time to face the cold again. Soon my forehead was bitterly cold, hence I needed to stop to put my balaclava on.

On the main road I was cycling towards Kayseri. Green rolling hills, covered in patches of snow and frost were decorating the scene. Eagerly I was pushing the pedals, passing street signs directing me to Kayseri. While taking a photo, a van stopped next to me. The driver then offered me a lift to Kayseri, which I politely declined. He continued telling me multiple times about a steep hill in about 10km, with broken Turkish I tried to tell him: I am happy to ride. He then went back to his van and returned with two pieces of cake – Tesekkürler, I said and smiled.

Then I continued on the road towards Kayseri. 27km before Kayseri, I stopped for corba and ekmek – soup and bread. Followed by cay and the cake, the driver had kindly gifted me. With my batteries recharged, I headed towards Kayseri. When reaching Kayseri, I was on the lookout for the city sign “Kayseri”, as I always had imagined this moment as a celebratory moment. Unfortunately I must have missed it, so I shrugged my shoulders and cycled deeper and deeper into the centre of the city.

Until reaching Kayseri I was unsure, how events will take place from here on. Will I see my father today or tomorrow. Will I sleep at Sude’s place, Mustafa’s daughter or will I sleep at my father’s place. Overwhelmed by all these decisions and thoughts, I only knew one thing – I want to cycle to his place, I want to arrive there by bike. So suddenly I was cycling towards his place. When I arrived downstairs at the apartment block, I was unsure how to feel. I tried to gather my thoughts and almost left again. Then I texted him- ‘ I think I have arrived at your place’. For a while I did not receive a response, which made me even more nervous. Then he called me – and said he would come downstairs. Suddenly I felt incredibly shy. I turnt my back towards the apartment block, I looked away, I didn’t dare to look. Then I could hear him walking towards me, he stopped at the gate and said ‘Hallo’. Deep breaths, deep breaths. Unsure what to do, I turnt around, looked at him and walked towards him. He took my hand and hugged me: ‘ how brave are you?where did you get that from?’. We chatted and brought the bike inside. Then we went upstairs, where I got to know his mum – my grandma. We chatted about my journey and life. While talking, I was watching him with big curious eyes: was watching his nose, his hair, his hands, his eyes… the list goes on.

Later on he cooked a Jogurt soup for us, followed by traditional Turkish sweets. After dinner we chatted about the past. I was impressed by myself for not feeling resentful. Even though the past was not forgotten, I enjoyed being in the present, finally meeting my father, the second half of my dna. Finally seeing where my looks come from. Finally ending all the question marks in my head about his identity. Simultaneously however, I was aware, that I will leave this place, not having all the answers. For now I just knew – I am half Turkish and this is my very own Turkish experience. My own Turkish family.

I decided to stay at his place, I decided to immerse myself completely in this experience. 4,5 months I have cycled towards this day, cycled towards this moment. Now it has come. No matter if I was ready or not – I am where I am meant to be.

Tesekkürler universe!

So long – hoscakal from Kayseri!

If you have followed along this journey until this day, feel free to say hi! Tesekkürler to each and everyone of you!

If you would like to thank me for all the hours and effort I put towards this blog or you want to reward me for reaching Kayseri, you can do this through my gofundme account. I am happy about any little support! Tesekkürler!

54 responses to “Day 138, 09/01/2023 A day to remember”

  1. Dearest Maddy – I have loved travelling alongside you and now you have reached your destination. I have the greatest admiration for you and the way you write and express yourself has often brought me to tears and today is no exception. Well done – you are a most remarkable young woman and your achievement is extraordinary. I’ll be there at the premiere of the movie of this remarkable blog when it is made! Congratulations and all the very best for all that now will unfold. I love you Maddy. Love from Sally

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Sally, thank you once again for all your kind words and for following along my journey! This journey was emotionally and physically very challenging. Even keeping up the journaling was difficult from time to time. Sometimes I fell asleep from exhaustion, while typing and sometimes I could not find the right words because I was so tired. Thank you for all the support and for being there with me! Lots of love from Kayseri 🚲❤️🇹🇷


  2. Peter Lyons-Lewis Avatar
    Peter Lyons-Lewis

    Made – your story over the last weeks and months has been essential to follow. I am so pleased for you with what you have done and achieved. I send you my best wishes for the future and everything you do. Congratulations. Pete

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Pete, thank you so much for you kind words! This journey was incredibly difficult and beautiful simultaneously! I hope it inspires a lot of people to go out and wander! Greetings from Kayseri! And thanks for all the support 🚲🇹🇷 Madeline


  3. Congratulations, you did it!!
    Happy hours/moments with your family…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Selcok! Thank you so much! Greetings from Kayseri


  4. I have enjoyed being on this journey with you. You made us all feel like we were a part of it. Thank you for opening yourself up to the physical part of the journey but even more importantly, the emotional part of this trip. Peace

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi! Thank you so much for following along and your nice words. Greetings from Kayseri 🚲🇹🇷

      Liked by 1 person

      1. If our paths ever cross I would love to ride with you sometime!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for taking us on this journey with you. You let us in on the physical part and also on the emotional part of this journey. Keep seeking new adventures and may you find peace.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Greetings from Kayseri! 🚲🇹🇷


  6. Hi Mady.
    Thanks for all your effort you’ve made to share your journey with us.
    Thanks to universe, I had a chance to met you in Kamenjak – Croatia, since when I followed all your adventures eagerly.
    I wish you luck in your life and if you decide to discover a new places on your journey back and by chance you’ll cross the Prague, just ping me, you’re more then welcome.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Juraj, yes I remember still very well when we met! I found my top again and also enjoyed the bars you gave me! Thank you for following along, who knows maybe one day we meet again! Greetings from Kayseri 🚲🇹🇷


  7. Congratulations Madeline! You are an amazing woman! Good luck with your father! What an amazing journey!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Myles, thanks so much for following along and all the support! Geetings from Kayseri! 🚲🇹🇷


  8. sultanstrailredactie Avatar

    Madeline, you rock! I have been so much looking forward to this day for the past months. Not as much as you did of course, but still. I hope you and your father will get to know and love each other. I wish you all the best though, whatever happens.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. The last 4,5 months, the struggles, the loneliness, the kindness of strangers – all of this made me grow and prepare for this time! Thanks so much for following along. Greetings from Kayseri!🚲🇹🇷


  9. Madeline you are an inspiration and congratulations on achieving your goal to this point. Last year I rode Sydney to Gold Coast loosely on NSW Coastal Cycle Trail about 1000km and when I finished I felt physically and emotionally drained completing my goal( I’m about 3x more birthdays than you) and I imagine you might be feeling that way right now.
    Great reading you journey to yourself well done again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Kevin, thanks so much! Your tour sounds amazing and I can’t wait to also bikepack Australia! I know what you mean with feeling physically and emotionally drained – I guess I went through all stages during this wonderful and utterly challenging journey! Greetings from Kayseri! 🚲🇹🇷


      1. A bed in Tasmania for you anytime.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. E’ stato davvero una meravigliosa esperienza, avventurosa, corraggiosa e romantica. Hai dimostrato che la forza di volontà fa fare tutto nella vita, ti auguro tanta fortuna e speriamo di avere altre notizie da te. Complimenti

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and for following along! This journey has been a wonderful and challenging experience! Greetings from Kayseri 🚲🇹🇷


  11. Liebe Madeline,
    das sieht sehr schön aus, Ihr beide! Hoffentlich gehen auch weiterhin alle Deine Träume in Erfüllung!
    Danke, dass Du mich hast teilhaben lassen an diesem Abschnitt Deines Lebens!
    Alles Gute und keep the fire burning.
    Deine Ellen

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Ellen, vielen Dank für deine Worte und fürs mitverfolgen, anfeuern und mitfiebern auf meinem Weg. Liebe Grüße aus Kayseri! 🇹🇷🚲


  12. Congratulations Madeline! I’ll miss your blog. I hope you and your ‘new’ family adapt well! If you are ever in my area be welcome and i’ll cycle you arounnd. So long . . . . Wim

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Wim, thank you so much for all your kind messages, your gifts and for following my blog! Which area are you in again? So long from Kayseri, ps. Maybe this is not the end 😉 🚲🇹🇷


      1. Hi Madeline, I’m in Maastricht, southeast in the Netherlands, approximately 100 km west of Köln, closest German city is Aachen. Yes I have noticed the sequel, I’m still reading!

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Dear Madde, you are my hero, and thank you sharing your wonderful, spectacular journey. This day is not the end, but a new beginning. Keep on, keeping on. Xx V

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Vera, thank you so much for all your kind messages and for following along on this journey to my father, on this journey to myself! Love from Kayseri 🇹🇷🚲 and indeed this is a beginning. Not the end ❤️


  14. Hi Madeline,

    I’m so happy for you! I’m not tearing up…. What an adventure. Thanks for taking us along with!

    Best wishes from Pennsylvania,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Jake! Thanks so much for following along! Best wishes from Kayseri! 🇹🇷🚲


  15. Madeleine,
    du hast Dein Ziel erreicht, herzliche Gratulation und Hochachtung vor Deiner großartigen Leistung! Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen und erholsamen Aufenthalt bei Deinem Vater, bei Oma und allen anderen Familien Mitgliedern!
    Vielen Dank das ich an Deiner Reise teilnehmen durfte.
    Falls Du an der Rekonstruktion Deiner Reise (gpx Track) interessiert bist, ich sende ihn Dir gerne.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hallo! Vielen lieben Dank fürs mitfiebern und fürs unterstützen! Die Rekonstruktion meiner Reise würde ich sehr gerne sehen! Geht das per E-Mail? , vielen Dank dafür 🇹🇷🚲


  16. Marielle Couder Avatar
    Marielle Couder

    Well done sweetheart ! Great achievement ! Love and greetings from France.
    Marielle Couder

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bonjour Marielle! Merci beaucoup! Thank you so much for following my journey! Love from Kayseri 🚲🇹🇷


  17. Marielle Couder Avatar
    Marielle Couder

    Great achievement ! Love and greetings from France.
    Marielle Couder

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Philippe Hoebregts Avatar
    Philippe Hoebregts

    Congrats made line. What a journey! All the best for what wiil come now!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Phillipe! Thank you so much for you kind words! And for following along! Greetings from Kayseri 🇹🇷🚲


  19. So happy for you that the meeting went well! Even I was feeling trepidation for your meeting with your father, worried about you even though I have never met you! Shows the strength and quality of your writing, you have taken us on your journey with you, to yourself. Now we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief that you are safe and sound, that things appear to be going well. Hopefully a follow up post will happen, but no pressure, we all await your next adventure.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Brent, thank you so much for your kind words, continuous support and for keeping up with my journey. For now enjoying the time in Kayseri! Greetings from Kayseri 🚲🇹🇷


  20. Waaw you did it girl! I just admire you and feel a little bit sad because I will not have your beautiful and interesting stories and also amazing pictures.
    I wish you all the best and to have a smooth relationship with your new family!
    Take care of you beautiful soul, please.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi dear! Thank so much for following along and your kind words! Maybe this is not the end 🚲🇹🇷. Greetings from Kayseri ❤️


  21. At last, you met your father, after all those efforts, agonies and hard conditiones, always sticking to your plan without giving up. Congratulations. Your dad seemed younger than my expectations. I hope, you will form a close, desirable relationship with your father. Take care…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank so much for your kind words and following along on this pilgrimage! Greetings from Kayseri🇹🇷🚲


  22. So so proud of you! What an amazing accomplishment. I feel you have grown so much in this journey and now are having an incredible once in a life time experience spending time with your Turkish family! Can’t wait to see what happens next! Love you! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much love! ❤️🇹🇷🚲❤️ miss you 🥰


  23. Hi Madeline! I’m so glad you carried on and got to meet your father and have such a wonderful adventure. Your father is the luckiest man in the world to have you be part of his life. I feel blessed to have been able to follow you from the beginning through all the adventures you had. Thanks for taking the time to share your story, you have a gift for words.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi John, thank you so much for your kind words and following all along on my adventure! What a journey it has been! Greetings from Kayseri🚲🇹🇷


  24. Hallo Madi,

    ich bin so wahnsinnig Stolz auf Dich!
    Du hast es geschafft!
    Du bist eine Kämpferin, das warst du schon immer😊
    Ich habe gelacht und geweint mit Dir und manchmal hatte ich auch etwas Sorge um Dich.
    Jetzt bist du da und ich hoffe Du findest Liebe und Geborgenheit bei Deinem Vater.
    Ich habe Dich sehr lieb und deine Schwester auch❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hallo Sandra,

      Oft habe ich mich während dem Fahrrad fahren gefragt, ob du die Reise verfolgst. Oft habe ich an dich gedacht, wenn aus unerklärlichem Grund das Lied der Titanic in meinem Ohren klang.
      Die Reise war wunderschön, unglaublich schwierig und auch sehr heilend. Ich hoffe es geht dir gut. Danke fürs verfolgen der Reise und schön von dir zu hören.
      Madi 🚲🇹🇷❤️


  25. Very brave young woman indeed. Congratulations and thank you for sharing your experience. Life does indeed happen. Enjoy your time with your family.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Greetings from Kayseri!🇹🇷🚲

      Liked by 1 person

  26. Well done Madeline and congratulations. Good luck and hope to be able to meet you one day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Jan, thanks for your kind words! Who knows where the universe will lead us! Maybe we will cross paths! Greetings from Kayseri 🇹🇷🚲


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